Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Promo Clip For Redemption's New Album

Here's a promo clip featuring cuts from Redemption's Newest album, Snowfall on Judgment Day.
Enjoy, I especially like, Love Kills Us All/Life In One Day.

Metallic Progress Podcast Coming Soon...

I would just like to let everone know I have been hard at work on the new Metallic Progress Podcast that will be airing soon.
I'll keep everyone posted as you won't want to miss what's in store.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New From The Brains Behind Ayreon.

Arjen Lucassen's Guilt Machine; On This Perfect Day


From Porcupine Tree's latest album The Incident

Dream Theater Live

Warrel Dane-August

Fates Warning Classic.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Back with this weeks song list...

Well everything is back and rolling again, here are this weeks video picks.